Playtime Fun

It took me weeks, but I finally got the puppet theater and puppets done (scroll down for images)! They came out so cute and my granddaughters have had so much fun playing with them already! The patterns are up on my Etsy Shop, I Hate Folding Sheets, for $10 (puppet theater) and $6 (puppets).

My two and a half year old granddaughters played with the puppets with no major damage. They did manage to straighten out the pipe cleaners, but they are easily bent back into shape. They loved just going back and forth behind the theater, but they did have to be told numerous times not to crawl through the window!

The theater pattern and the puppet pattern both contain a lot of images along with detailed instructions on making them. The puppets are a no-sew activity, but the theater requires basic sewing skills and a sewing machine.

The extra bonus of the theater is that, when not in use, it can be rolled up and stored away pretty easily and in a relatively small space.

Germ Containment

Sooooo, if you read the only other post on this site, you saw that I had high hopes for the weekend a couple of weekends back. Then, blamo, I got bronchitis and nothing happened, except I did get the shelf on the bathroom counter painted – woohoo!

Since I’ve been battling this junk and I know that everyone else in the world is too, I thought I’d offer up some tried and true tips for germ containment and cold-suffering.

Germ Containment

During the time my four kids were growing up, we certainly had our share of germs that ran through the whole house. What fun that is, right? BUT, there are some things you can do to at least keep everyone from reinfecting themselves.

Doorknobs & Switch Plates

Take your favorite disinfectant (which can be as basic as some white vinegar with water in a spray bottle) and a clean sponge or cloth and wipe down all of your doorknobs and switch plates. Pay particular attention to places like bathrooms and bedrooms, where we spend most of our time when we’re sick.

While you’re at it, give regular attention to the toilet handle (and the toilet itself depending on the virus you’re battling).

Tissue Control

For me, this has been a time of copious amounts of tissues that nobody (including me) wants or needs to handle again. My daughter has a great remedy for this. She keeps an empty tissue box next to the full one, for all of the ‘used’ tissues. This way, all you have to do is toss the box when it’s full, rather than someone else handling the snot-fest left behind.

Blankets & Bedding

What do you do when you’ve got a fever and chills? Snuggle up under your favorite blanket, right? Well, that favorite blanket is a festival of germs, so give it a run through the washer – hot water if the blanket can tolerate it.

Also, once you know folks are on the road to recovery, give the bedding, including pillows and mattress pad, a good washing. Use hot water as much as everything will tolerate it.

Favorite Items

Next,  you want to use your sanitizing cleaner to wipe down favorite toys and other items. Don’t forget things like remote controls, laptop keyboards (be careful with your spraying there!) and cell phones.

Toys that can be soaked in hot water should be, and anything that can get tossed in the washing machine should be washed. If your only option is to wipe with a damp cloth, just spray it off with your sanitizer first.

Cold/Flu Suffering

There are many ‘herbal’ remedies that are available, and I am a fan of not taking drugs unless I absolutely have to, but I hit this bug of mine with all barrels. One of the things that alleviated my initial sinus pressure/headache was to drink a ‘tea’ of ginger root, turmeric root, honey and a dash of lemon in hot water. I keep both ginger root and turmeric root on hand. Just take about a 1″ hunk of each and cut into smaller pieces, then add the hot water, honey and lemon to your taste.

I also used Zicam, which I believe does help. I prefer the nasal spray, which helps to clear things up too. I’m not very good at taking vitamins, but Vitamin C is said to be helpful as well.

I have eucalyptus oil that I dropped onto a washcloth while I was soaking in the tub – I then used the washcloth to lay over my face (be careful not to get the oil in your eyes). It helped with the congestion. You can also rub a small amount of this oil on the soles of your feet – I didn’t try this but I’ve heard it helps, especially kids. Put socks on and do it at night for a sleep help.

My cough has been the biggest nuisance, and this trick goes back in my family probably 40+ years. Take an ice pack (bag of frozen veggies, whatever) and place it so that when you lie down, it is at the base of your skull. Be sure to wrap it in a towel first. Give this a few minutes and it will make any cough history.

My son had terrible ear aches as a child, and this one is still one of his favorites (he’s 29). Take a DASH of pepper and a piece of a cotton ball. I just shook the pepper out on the counter then dabbed a little up with a small piece of cotton ball. Gently place it just inside the ear. The pepper will generate warmth and soothe the ear ache.

I’d love for you to share your remedies – but that would imply that I have readers 🙂

Maybe some day folks will track back through and see it….take care!


There has to be a first & What it’s all about

I’m no rookie blogger so I know that this is going out into the wide world of the blogosphere never to be seen by anyone for weeks or months, if ever, but there has to be a first post for any blog so here it is.

Now for the fun part – what it’s all about. I have lots of ideas, stored right up in the

I hate folding sheets

This is me – there are sooooo many ideas up there just waiting to come out!

tippy top of my little head – see – right up there. Ideas just waiting to come out, but what’s the fun of keeping them to myself?

Most of my ideas these days come from three motivation points:

  • Something for my grandchildren to enjoy (here or at their own houses)
  • Something to use up my scraps
  • Something to make my nest a little prettier or better organized

That’s it. It’s not complicated at all, right? Right! So, here we go. The inspiration for the name of this blog “I Hate Folding Sheets” came from, well, folding sheets this morning. The basic idea here will be to take dreaded tasks or spaces and turn them into something more pleasing.

My first project – the bathroom – shudder.
I’ve been working on my bathroom for a while now, and in the photos below, you can see where I’m headed and what remains to be done.

I live in an apartment, so I am somewhat limited as to what I can do with the space. The first photo is my shower curtain – I made it last year. It’s easy peasy – I’ll put directions up soon! If you can sew a straight line, you can make that curtain! The towels match the curtain – I always wanted a matchy-matchy bathroom like that. I decided to go with lavender as an accent color with the green, and I had pieces of it all through the house that I was able to bring in.

What still needs to be done? Well, if you look closely at the shower curtain pictures, you will see some blue paint in the corners of the walls, and if you look in my pantry, you’ll see the paint. I needed an edger that will attach to one of those extension pole thingies – I got that about 6 months ago…this weekend is it! It’s getting done.

I’m also not happy with the storage closet, which, as you can see is orderly to a degree, but I want it to be ‘pretty’ (if you’re a guy and you’ve read this far, that’s your problem! 🙂 ). I hung out on Pinterest this morning and found some solutions that will hit two goals at once – use up some fabric and other scrap supplies AND help organize. I’ll show you when I’m done. It’s a shift in my projects that are ‘hot’ right now, but I want to get this done. I’m also going to do something with that ugly hamper. It was my grandmothers so it has sentimental value (but little value otherwise, short of its purpose). I want to use it, but it needs some sort of face lift. since it’s January in Ohio, it’s not going to be spray paint. I’m still not sure what it’ll be. I’m also going to paint that shelf that sits on the vanity and ultimately I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE to frame in that mirror in some sort of temporary way that I can remove when I move.

Thanks for reading – if anyone IS reading! Hang in there for upcoming projects. I’m so excited to bring them to you!